Seabury Middle School's Project-Based Learning means that students learn by getting their hands dirty, so to speak. Students have all chosen a topic of interest relating to Washington State History, our larger concept this year, and have been working in groups the last few weeks designing a project that will showcase their learning. Rather than having teachers tell them facts to memorize, students area gathering the facts they need to make their projects successful. They have been visiting with experts in the field, taking customized field study trips, and today, as a group, visited the Burke Museum in Seattle.
Seabury Middle School doesn't like the term "field trip." Field trips are done after we've studied something, to see first hand what they already know. Instead, Seabury prefers the term "field studies" where we use the field to further our knowledge, develop our research base, and learn things we did not yet know. Today's trip to the Burke Museum was a great example of an amazing field study trip!