Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Seabury Outbreak!

The middle school students have been working on a serious science challenge these last few weeks. Some of the students have been infected with a mysterious disease. They started with just tingling of the limbs or paresthesia. 10% of the infected students developed major depression and minor hallucinations.

Students then wrote theories in groups of what they thought was happening. Some surveyed those infected, while others did mapping and ran tests. They compiled the information and wrote hypotheses for the disease.

This week, Charles Leusner went over brain anatomy, radio waves and how MRI and CT scans work. After differential diagnosis using MRI images and the scientific method, Dr. Leusner gave his professional opinion that it could be Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis, variant Creutzfeldt Jakob's Disease, Lupus, Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, or Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis.  This was narrowed down by brain scans that he showed the students. Stay tuned for the diagnosis! 

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