What are the four forces of flight?
How easy is it to crash?
How do planes stay in the air?
Caught Pondering |
Middle School Students are pondering these questions, about flight and how they pertain to WWII and Modernity.
Drag |
They are designing parachutes to explore the force of drag and wind resistance. Students go through the design process to slow their free fall subjects 90% slower.
About to Test a Parachute |
The student below is creating air powered rocket car in order to illustrate the force of thrust.
Many students have really gotten into engineering more and more complex looking planes. They have used paper airplanes to explore lift and weight. Our students are learning how airfoils use Bernoulli's Principle to create air pressure that lifts planes off the ground.
Incredible Makers |
In connection with these experiments, students will soon be visiting Boeing Museum
of Flight and an air strip to further expand their background knowledge.
Looks like fun!